To show broad support on an issue, Fossil Free Eugene and partners have written letters on a wide range of topics. Organizations and/or individuals then sign on to these letters to indicate their agreement and support. Each sign on letter provides an argument and cites relevant research and arguments.

NW Natural Gas Stove Misinformation Letter to the Oregon Attorney General
8 elected officials and 31 organizations, call on the Oregon Department of Justice to take immediate action against NW Natural’s misleading and false communications. In particular this letter focuses on the air quality risks of gas appliances in light of recent discoveries and studies.

Elected officials, unions, and organizations call for the University of Oregon to Electrify
Over thirty organizations, along with unions, and local elected leaders, submitted a letter to the University of Oregon urging the school to transition the University’s facilities off of dirty fossil fuels to clean renewable electricity

organizations urge EWEB to take action on climate and affordability
Forty environmental, housing, and justice-focused organizations submitted a public letter to the Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) outlining key actions the utility can take to lead the transition to clean renewable energy while ensuring affordability and energy equity for their customers.

Gas industry misinformation and science denial around health risks of gas appliances
This letter outlines common talking-points that NW Natural and the wider gas industry have used to spread misinformation around the scientific evidence of gas stove impacts to public health.

Replacing the University of Oregon’s Polluting Gas Boilers
A letter from students and allies urging the University of Oregon to take action to meet their climate goals and to work to rapidly transition the campus off of polluting fossil fuels and to clean, renewable electricity. Specifically, it supports the University of Oregon replacing its gas boiler system,which runs on “natural” methane gas.

Building Industry Professional Letter For a Just Transition
This letter by architects, builders, designers, engineers, and other building industry professionals outlines the urgency of adopting policies to transition homes and buildings in Eugene from polluting fossil fuels to renewable electricity as a proactive measure to address the climate crisis. It was signed by 31 firms, organizations, or businesses and 19 individuals.

Active Bethel Community Letter
Members of the Active Bethel Community state their support of Council to moving forward with common sense climate policies to require that newly constructed residential and commercial buildings in our city be built all electric, and that the City set a formal goal to transition existing residential and, where feasible, commercial buildings to 100% electric, by 2035

NW Natural False Advertising Letter to the Oregon Attorney General
Supported by 38 organizations and elected officials, this letter strongly encourages Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum to investigate the misleading advertising and anti-democratic activities of the state-regulated methane gas utility NW Natural including misinformation regarding the climate and health impacts of fracked gas, the viability of so-called renewable natural gas, and advertising to children.

Business owners support Electrification Letter
This letter signed by 18 local businesses encourages Eugene City Council to continue to take decisive action to mitigate climate change, starting by tackling the proliferation of new fossil fuel infrastructure in our city.

Organizational Letter May 9, 2022
30 organizations, on behalf of tens of thousands of Eugene resident members and supporters, urge Eugene city council to follow up on your motions made fall 2021 and take concrete steps to electrify the City of Eugene.